My mom...
Thinking about her alot today - today is not a special day for her or I. It's just another day in January - a cold windy winter day. The sort of day she would greatly dislike. She is blessed to be able to spend her winters where she enjoys- Florida - The sunshine state. How she ever made it as my mom I will never know! She and I are about as opposite as it gets. I love cold dreary days. She loves warm sunny days. She is short. I am tall. She is lean. I am NOT! I could go on all day on our differences, but you get the idea. We butted heads all the time - I like to do things myself - figure it out and then MAYBE concede to her way of thinking. She is a total control freak - she will tell you different and you will believe her, only because she will convince you she is right. HAHA...that is what I love about her. I am not making fun of her just telling you like it is. I am stubborn. Have very little patience. Want to have control at all times over every maybe we are alike. She is creative - so am I. She makes a mean shrimp salad - so do I. She is independent - so am I. She is sure of herself - so am I. She is a hard worker - so am I. She has volunteered many hours at her church - so have I.
I think I might learn to be her - can I , might I, will I .... am I my mother?
Could be worse....I have a crazy Auntie!
(that's another story for another day)
I suggested a rescue dog - he smiled - and said "maybe soon"....kept smiling and I started looking online at rescues in our state - there are alot of babies out there looking for their forever homes.
Hope you are all still working on de-cluttering - I am slowing down right now but gearing up for more. Think this week will be directed towards clothing and taking box after box to goodwill.
Peace to you this week - do something nice for someone to day.
Keep calm and carry on........................